Successful cross-discipline workshop May 27

Almost 100 participants at digital OG21 cross-discipline workshop.

OG21 has as part of the on-going strategy revision conducted a number of open industry meetings and technology group workshops since January this year. The cross-discipline workshop on May 27 was the last of the planned meeting activities.

Close to 100 people participated, including representatives from the OG21 board, the OG21's Technology Groups (TGs) as well as some stakeholders of particular importance for OG21. 

The purpose of the workshop was to test whether the technology priorities that have been identified so far in the process, adequately address the OG21 strategic objectives.

To do so, group discussions were focused on 4 dilemmas (topics):

Topic A: Reduction of GHG’es while maintaining production and replacing reserves.

Topic B: Cost reductions while improving safety.

Topic C: Digitalization – realization of effects while managing cyber risks and other concerns.

Topic D: The energy transition and job creation.

Results from the workshop will now be used in the final development of the OG21 strategy.

A high level summary of the group discussions is provided below:



Meldinger ved utskriftstidspunkt 26. april 2024, kl. 01:40 CEST

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